Remington J. Crowley
For some, Remi is an enigma.
For others, they are a best friend or worst nightmare,
depending on which side of Remi they fall on.
Remi is a Demon from Hell
And below explains how they came to be.
The Many Forms of Remi
Remi is known for having many forms. Species, gender, etc. They switch forms as often as most people change their socks.
Remington was born in Hell from a selective crossbreeding experiment.
Hybrids of species is a normal thing in Hell, but a crossbreeding of Circles had never been successful before. Normally, if a cross circle breeding was attempted, the two hell-beasts, even of the same species, would destroy each other, not reproduce.
Combining the power of two Circles was something that never existed until Asmodeus (Prince of the 2nd Circle of Hell [Lust]) and Abaddon (Prince of the 7th Circle of Hell [Violence]) bred their prized hell-beasts together to see if the beasts would breed or destroy each other.
What was produced was a hybrid hell-hound/hellcat with the powers of a full-blooded 2nd circle Hellcat and 7th circle Hellhound, as well as impressive shapeshifting abilities.
When old enough to leave their Dame, Remington was claimed by Lucifer himself and raised the rest of their "childhood" at Great Ice Lake, Cocytus, in the very center of Hell. This caused Remington to also develop skills at manipulating ice and fire, but they can not manipulate both at the same time. They need to be in their "Frost Beast" form to manipulate ice, otherwise, they can only manipulate fire normally.
Why Lucifer Claimed the hybrid
Lucifer had banned any more attempts at creating more cross circle hybrids, making Remi one of a kind.
He banned the crossbreeding because of the unknown factors of such a pairing. As a precaution, when Remi was of age, Lucifer had her brought to the Great Lake Cocytus. This way observe the hybrid and see if he needed to destroy it if it posed a threat to Hell.
Instead, he found Remi was highly intelligent, quick witted, as well as powerful shapeshifter. Having such a being under his control was something the Prince of Pride would not give the privilege of to another Prince.
Below are the best ways to get in contact with the Demon known as Remi J. Crowley